Did you know that your daily decisions on eating and drinking will either significantly enhance or damage your health? Each choice of what to put into your body can either support your natural defense mechanisms or hinder them. This includes influencing your risk for cancer.

The American Cancer Society has stated that one-third of cancer deaths are linked to a poor diet, inactivity and carrying excess weight. Without a doubt, daily physical activity in all forms, is even more important than food intake, yet we would never dream of skipping a meal for a day, never mind for days on end as we do with exercise! However, the insight into healthy choices of food, is a vital tool for good health – a precious commodity that we only miss once we have lost it.

As we often veer off course and eat less and less of the more balanced foods the human body needs, health is derailed, creating an environment where disease and pathology can thrive.

Every choice we make each and every day can thus heal or harm. The food pyramid is a guide to making good informed nutritional choices, with the apex indicating less or less frequently needed food, and the wide base that which can be consumed in greater quantities and more frequently.

A color version of the food pyramid should be on the refrigerator in every kitchen, while a laminated edition makes a wonderful place mat for children to help reinforce the healthy choicest made by their parents. Your daily decisions can either heal or harm your family!

MARCH 2017


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