Research from Edinburgh University recently demonstrated using brain scans of 638 people  past retirement age, that those who were physically most active had less brain shrinkage over a period of 3 years.  Exercise did not have to be strenous to be effective – going for a daily walk was sufficient.  However, but giving the mind a workout by doing a tricky crossword, had little impact.  This study also found no brain-size benefit from mentally challenging activities, such as reading a book, or socialising with friends.

When the researchers examined the grey and the white matter of the brain in these subjects, they found that those who had exercised regularly, had more grey matter (part of brain where messages originate),  while their white matter had fewer damaged areas than those who did not exercise.

Dr Simon Ridley, head of Alzheimers Research UK, said “This study links physical exercise to fewer signs of aging in the brain, suggesting that it may be a way of protecting our cognitive health”

This research emphasizes that it is never too late to benefit from exercise and that it is crucial for those of us who can, to get active as we grow older.  Exercise is such a easy way to boost health for all of us.




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