Most diseases are preventable, but medical attention these days is mostly on the treatment of disease, and not enough emphasis is given on how to prevent disease.

Here are a few important lifestyle suggestions to reduce the risk of prostate cancer:

  • Enjoy physical activity of 30 – 45 minutes daily 
  • Enjoy 7 – 8 hours of sleep, preferably between 10 pm and 6 am 
  • Maintain a waist circumference of below 95 cms – fat tissue produces estrogen and thus it is important to lose any excess weight 
  • Reduce your intake of fructose, sugar and processed foods 
  • Intermittent fasting as a way of life – encourages the body to rely on fats more for energy than carbohydrates 
  • Eat a variety of white, green and yellow vegetables each day (juicing also good) 
  • Two-thirds of ones plate should be plant material, with never more than one-third animal material 
  • Increase the intake of healthy fats (avocados, nuts, olives and olive oil) 
  • Drink lots of water throughout the day 
  • Maintain a healthy, impermeable gut wall – 80% of our immune surveillance occurs here 
  • Limit alcohol intake to no more than two drinks per day 
  • Give up smoking 
  • Find ways of taming your stress levels 
  • Cherish and sustain personal relationships 
  • Daily intake of omega-3 rich oil with sufficient levels of EPA and DHA 
  • Check your vitamin D status – increase your levels through sun exposure, and if necessary, a suitable supplement in addition 
  • Check your vital health markers annually – in particular, your ferritin, your uric acid, and levels of inflammation 
  • A regular physical examination of the prostate, in addition to PSA levels
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