Recent research has cast some doubt on the popular belief that the left side of the brain is dominant in logical people, while the right side is dominant in creative people.
A comprehensive and highly scientific study done at the University of Utah utilized brains scans of more than 1 000 young people and divided the different areas of the brain into 7 000 regions. Brain activity was found to be similar on either the left or right hand sides of the brain, regardless of personality.
To quote from the study: “In popular reports, “left-brained” and “right-brained” have become terms associated with both personality traits and cognitive strategies, with a “left-brained” individual or cognitive style typically associated with a logical, methodical approach and “right-brained” with a more creative, fluid, and intuitive approach. Based on the brain regions we identified as hubs in the broader left-dominant and right-dominant connectivity networks, a more consistent schema might include left-dominant connections associated with language and perception of internal stimuli, and right-dominant connections associated with attention to external stimuli.”
Right brain/left brain, right? Published online 25 August 2017. Harvard Health Publications, Harvard Medical School. (
An evaluation of the left-brain vs. right-brain hypothesis with resting state functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging. Jared A. Nielsen, Brandon A. Zielinski, Michael A. Ferguson, Janet E. Lainhart, Jeffrey S. Anderson. Study published 14 August 2013. (