Personal Health

Circle of Health

Prof Nola Dippenaar has over time developed an intriguing exploration of all the factors that affect one’s health. This unique approach has culminated in a unique model that integrates all of these factors, aptly named The Circle of Health. Useful information has over time been researched and written about the various components making up The Circle of Health, for example short blogs and articles that were published on the Health Insight website and other publications.

What services do Health Insight offer?

At Health Insight, we provide a range of specialized services tailored to promote and maintain your well-being. Our unique approach, led by Prof Nola Dippenaar, combines years of expertise in physiology, biochemistry, and chemical pathology with the latest scientific research.

Individual consultations

At Health Insight we firmly believe in the saying “Your health is your wealth” and we have over time developed the tools to enable individuals to take responsibility for the state of their health, their most precious possession.

Health Presentations

A wide range of presentations on health-related matters have been developed over time and presented to local and international audiences.

Corporate Interventions

Four different health interventions are available separately or as a comprehensive health improvement intervention, with benefits to both the employer and employees.

Personal Health

An intriguing exploration of all the factors that affect one’s health. This unique approach has culminated in a unique model that integrates all of these factors.

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