The end caps on a shoestring: Imagine pointing an electron microscope at your little finger and enhancing the image until an individual cell in the skin appears. Adjust a little more until you are able to see inside the cell. A number

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Blue light

What is blue light? Light that the human eye is able to see is known as visible light, which consists of wavelengths of varying lengths that are seen as different colours by the human eye. Blue light has a fairly short wavelength

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What makes a happy life?

Have you ever wondered which factors contribute to a good life? Why do some people live happy lives? And others not? A study tracking the lives of 724 men over the past 78 years has come up with some very interesting findings.

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Smoking affects your health, and now’s the time to quit

Let’s face it, people smoke because they enjoy it.  When you inhale nicotine, it immediately rushes to the brain, resulting in feelings of pleasure and reduced stress and anxiety. The pleasurable sensations result from nicotine stimulating the release of the chemicals dopamine

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Avoid these dangerously unhealthy foods

Research has linked certain foods to a higher risk of developing cancer and incidentally the same foods also poses a higher risk of developing diabetes. It follows that the very same foods would also pose a risk to one’s health in general,

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Treat lower back pain at home

Mechanics of the spine Most instances of low back pain is mechanical in nature, meaning there is some sort of disruption in the way the components of the back fit together and move. The spine consists of a column of bones (vertebrae)

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“Me Time”

What is “me” time? There are various definitions of “me” time, for instance: “Time spent relaxing on one’s own as opposed to working or doing things for others, seen as an opportunity to reduce stress or restore energy.” (Oxford Dictionary.) “Time to

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Left-brain vs Right-brain: Fact vs Fiction

Recent research has cast some doubt on the popular belief that the left side of the brain is dominant in logical people, while the right side is dominant in creative people. A comprehensive and highly scientific study done at the University of

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